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tv   BBC World News  WHUT  August 4, 2009 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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♪ >> "bbc world news" is presented by kcet, los angeles. >> funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, the newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation and union bank. ♪
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union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you? >> and now "bbc world news." >> an historic meeting between former u.s. president bill clinton and north korea's kim jong-il. and reports say two jailed american journalists have been freed. australian police belief they have foiled a major terrorist plot. four suspects accuse of links with somali extremist. >> a woman goes on trial accused of dressing indies ently. she wore trousers in a
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restaurant. welcome to "bbc world news." broadcast to our viewers on pbs in america and around the globe. coming up later, what kind of policing do you call this? a new human rights report says too many of india's place are abusive and failing at their job. a hollywood actress takes send moo on the road. >> cinema is for everybody and everywhere. we are knowing how few opportunities there are for people to realize how incredibly wise cinema is. >> hello. a secretive come nist state with nuclear ambitions which has been playing fast and loose with the rest of the world.
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today they have been playing host to bill clinton, the most senior visitor in a decade. he met north korean leader, kim jong-il and secured a pardon for the journalists arrested. we have this report from washington. >> bill clinton arrived in north korea in an unmarked jet. he carried with him the hopes of american diplomacy in a very dangerous corner of the world. mr. clinton met kim jong-il, north korea's mysterious leader. it is an extraordinary noment. there hasn't been a visit to pyongyang by such a high profile american in years. >> this obviously is a very sensitive topic. we will hope to provide some more detail at a later point. >> after the meeting, a sudden announcement. kim jong-il had issued a special pardon to the two
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imprisoned american journalists. they had been arrested on north korea's border with china in march. they are lauraling yuna lee. they had been sentenced to 12 years for spying. mr. clinton is expected to flight out with them as soon as wednesday. mr. clinton would have learned much of kim's physical and medical state. the north korean leader is ill and gaunt. he is said to have had a stroke. is there more at stake here? >> this could re-- lead to the resetting of u.s.-north korea relations and possibly to the beginning of normization of u.s. and north korean relations. this could be huge. >> north korea's nuclear program frightens asia and the world. they have the ability to explode a nuclear divides. the u.s., russia and china have
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all been unable to persuade them to give up their ambitions. but might there be a new opening now? a clue. bill clinton was medical on the tarmac by north korea's chief nuclear negotiator. is that a signal? this is an extraordinary outcossak for the u.s. and the clintons. in the coming days, the world will be looking for more signs that the north koreans ready to start reengaging with the world. adam brooks, washington. >> and more diplomatic questions as iran is confirming it is holding three americans to crossed in from kurdistan. the two men and one woman were arrest near the border. they're relatives say they strayed over the border accidentally while hike negligence northern iraq. russia troops in ossetia have heightened their battle readiness. moscow blames a series of
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provocation frs georgia. a five-day war between russia and georgia started a year ago this coming friday. police in the afghan capital say insurgents have fired nine rockets into the city. the missiles landed across kabul, injuring two people. one landed close to embassies and nate headquarters. australian police are saying they foiled a terrorist plot to attack an army base in sydney. four men were arrested. they are said to have links to a somali militant group, and their attention is racing concerns that they are not seeking targets elsewhere. knick reports from sydney. >> in the quiet streets of melbourne's suburbs, one of the biggest counterterrorism operations that australia has ever seen. the raids got underway in the middle of the night and involved some 400 officers. four mean were taken into
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custody, suspects believed to be behind a planned suicide attack against the australian military. they are all australian nationals in their early to mid 20's of lebanese and somali decent. >> the men were planning to carry out a suicide terrorist attack within australia involving and armed assault with automatic weapons. details of the planning indicated the offenders were ready to direct a sustained attack on military personnel. >> this is the base police belief was the target. one officer said an attack was imminent. police say they have cctv footage showing the suspects noor the base and intercepted text messages providing information about its location. the police believe they have lings with a somali group,
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al-shabab. appearing before a court in melbourne, one man was charged with a terrorism-related offense. australia's close relationship with america and the presence of its troops in afghanistan and iraq has made it a target in recent times. but in alleged plot could be something very different according to the police, linked instead to the turmoil in somalia. "bbc news," sydney. >> the trial of a sudanese woman accused of dressing indecently in public, she wore trousers in a restaurant, has been adjourned for a month. she faces up to 40 lshes and a fine. the police broke up a demonstration by her supporters . >> if convicted, she faces 40 lashes and an unlimited fine.
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her crime, wearing trousers in public. outside the court, supporters held signs that read her case is that of all women. >> we have gathered here today outside the court to express or support for all sudanese women, a case that attempts to drag us backwards and disrupt the progress of women. >> the trial was adjourned for a month to establish whether she should benefit from inmuent as she was working for the u.n. when she was are arrested. she resigned last week to fight the case. >> i want to change the law. the law in sudan not much with the institution of zad and not much with human rights. >> many women have been flogged for wearing trousers over the last 20 years.
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the case has attracted a lot of attention, and at one point over 100 protestors were chased away. they broke up the demonstration using tear gas, and they stopped us filming. but the number of women and the reaction of the authorities show that this is becoming a real test case for women's rights in sudan. "bbc news," khartoum. >> a third man has died of new mondayic playing in a chinese town under complete quarantine in days. they are killing rats and fleece to stop it from spreading. it can kiln 24 hours. in thailand a passenger plane has crashed into a disused control to your, killing the pilot and injurying 10 people. the flight skidded on a rainy runway just after landing.
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most on boorpped were tourists. a juvenile court in iraq has sentenced a 16-year-old girl for 17 years in prison for an attempted suicide attack. she was described by the military as an unwilling suicide bomber in 2008 when she was arrested. it is the first meeting of its kind in 20 years. the main palestinian faction, fatah is holding its congress in bethlehem. it is hoping to reinvent itself to appeal to voters once again. as we report from the west bank, that may not be an easy task. >> he is a taxi driver in the palestinian town of hebron. he is playing close attention to the fatah conference, listening carefully to his radio. the party pretty much controls palestinian areas of the west bank. it has always been in peace
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talks in peace talks with israel and accused of corruption. >> life here is difficult on all side. we suffer greatly from israeli military occupation. also, we have no money. fatah should do more to make things better. >> in hebron as across the palestinian territories, there is mass unemployment and poverty. frustration is widespread. people here tell us they are not much interested in dry party application, but what they want is for their lives to improve. to have peace, prosperity and a country of their own. here in heb ron, fatah's bitter rival, hamas is popular. fought hay has to get its act together. >> it is high time we get new faces. we are not here only for changing faces. we are here to discuss how to
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progress forward, how to fight against the israeli settlements, how to pursue the human rights of palestinians. >> in his opening address at the conference, the palestinian president, also head of fatah, under lined palestinian's right to existence, though he said peace was the number one goal. >> the fact that palestinians have chosen peace does not mean they will stand by and accept israel's constant violations of the peace process, he said. armed struggle is an option as a necessity. >> he is far from alone in monitoring the fatah conference carefully. the international community sees fatah as the palestinian partner to negotiate an eventual end to the palestinian-israel conflict. "bbc news," west bank. >> good to have you with us on "bbc world news." stay with us if you can. still to come.
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♪ it's the people's photo shoot. why one of britain's top photo snappers is turning his camera on a thousand members of the public. >> first, though, we have nothing to hide. that is the british government responding to accusation that is its security agents have been involved in torture overseas. many politicians, though, your demanding an independent inquiry into claims that britain has been complicit in the mistreatment of terror suspects. >> released earlier this year from guantanamo bay, this man says he was tortured in pakistan and morocco, and that british intelligence officials supplied questions and other material. he's one of a number of people alleging britain colluded in their mistreatment, including this jailed terrorist, though his claims were dismissed by a judge, and this one convicted
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of being an al qaeda mastermind. >> we have a series of allegations, which is important to rec insides have not been tested by an inquiry or by the courts. but if those allegations are true, then that would amount to come policity. >> it doesn't accuse the men and women working here of being involved in director tour. but it raises questions about accountability. it says mi 6 could and should be more answerable to parliament, and it criticizes ministers to not giving full answers to questions. >> they do need to answer questions about what our guidelines have been in the past and i think make clear what questions they have asked and what trouble they have taken as ministers over the last two years to look into this. >> ministers say they have nothing to hide. but they have to strike a balance between human rights considerations and the security
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of u.k. citizens. but with this man and other taking legal action, this is an issue that may have to be resolved not in parliament, but in the courts. "bbc news" >> the latest headlines for you on "bbc world news." state media in north korea is reporting the country's leader has pardoned two jailed american journalists. this after an historic meeting in pyongyang between kim jong-il and former president bill clinton. and police in the city of melbourne have arrested four people they saider plapping to carry out a suicide attack. a human rights group has accused india police of torture. police believe they are above the law. it also suggests officers are being outwilted by criminals. reporting from delhi, is our
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reporter. >> if you cross the police in india, this is what can happen. the man is a doctor protesting about his home being demolished. this brutality is open and widespread here, accepted as a way of controlling this country's massive population. his brother is beaten savagely too. the worst can happen. she is mourning her husband. he was shot dead with three friend wile celebrating his wedding. police said the many were petty thieves. the officers who killed them were given cash reward. >> we should be allowed to kill the policeman the way they killed our kids he tells me. the government should make an example of them so this never happens again.
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but abuse is widespread. here a police woman beats a man using a belt. >> there has to be a clear signal that police will be prosecuted when they commit criminal behavior. they have to be overhauled and modernized. india is rapidly modernizing, but the police are still using older method. >> little has changed since colonial times. records are still kept by hand, and officers have nowhere to sleep but their own police stations. outside this station, officers are living in tepts pitched outside the buildings. while parts of india has been modernizing fast, the police force is still antiquated, ill-equiped, but under real pressure to fight crime. in this culture there has long been a practice of gunning down suspects, often in cold blood
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rather than bothering with the slow and sometimes corrupt courts. >> our criminal justice system is not functioning. disposal of cases takes a lot of time. this is encouraged by the political bosses. >> india's government elected in may has promised to reform the police. human rights watch says a major overhaul is needed. the beatings and killings are undermining the status of the world's largest democracy. >> with its economy hard-hit by recession and its political system in turmoil, ukraine's health care system is also suffering badly. what does that mean day-to-day for people seeking medical treatment? in the capital, kiev, gabriel has been taking a close-up look. >> a hospital in central kiev.
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volunteers spend their weekends helping to renovate this children's ward. the service is paid for by private fund. >> just because we were born on the wrong side of europe, we are condemned to death in 60% of cases when we get cancer. >> this is the bathroom where children who have undergone neurosurgeryry to be washed. the corner littered with used surgical turebes and gloves. this is the man in charge of the ward. he wanted to tell us about the extent of the battle he faces every day just to keep his hospital functioning. [speaking in native tongue] >> there simply isn't enough state funding. we get nothing for purchasing new equipment, and the budget for medicine is a quarter of what it was last year.
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>> the ukranian currency has plummeted in value, which has had an effect on the price of imported medical supplies. on paper, ukraine has a system of fund-funded free health care, but in practice, you have to pay for almost every aspect of your medical treatment. foreign medicines like these today are effectively twice and expensive as they were six months ago. that is not because the pharmaceutical companies have put their prices up, but it is a direct result of the economic crisis here, and that having a devastating affect not only on the health care system as a whole but on individuals who have to buy their own medicines. back at the hospital, nine month old n everyone stia is waiting for her operation. her mother had to borrow money to travel to the capital from their village in central ukraine. now she has nothing left to pay for things like blood
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transfusions or extra medicines. [speaking in native tongue] >> if there are complications, she says, she doesn't know what she is going to do. >> tough times in kiev. now to something very different. trailers are all part of the movie-going experience. but in the latest cinematic innovation, the trailer is not a bit part player, it is a 30-ton truck. and tilda is part of the package. she is hauling a mobile cinema around scotland. we were with her on the banks of loch, ness. >> full of wildlife and popular with tourists enjoying the stunning scenery and peace and quiet. but for one night only, that's about to change. ♪ cinema is coming, and it is led
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by tilda, swinson. they have come from all over the world to take turns together the screen along narrow highland roads. decked with bunting, it is an unusual sight in villages along the way, bringing international films to audiences who lost their own local cinemas years ago. >> in every small town all over europe, there are at least two cinema shaped bases where cinema used to be. cinema is for everybody. we are knowing how few tint there are for people to rms how incredibly wide cinema is. >> this is not your average movie experience. no popcorn, no pick and mix. they are showing films from places like iran, india and japan. instead of a nine-screen
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multipletch, there is this one plush and rather cozy space. it is a deliberately low tech affair, singing and dancing getting the people in the mood. people appreciate the effort that has gone into bringing movies to their door. >> it has been months, but it is a small cinema in a bus. it should be a bit different. >> to have a mobile cinema that comes and opens up like a box is wonderful. >> even when the film is over, there is is no rushing home. these thuse asses want everyone to feel included on their journey through the hills and glens. news on the banks of loch, ness. >> to photography. a thousand people across britain are find out how it feels to be captured on camera by one of the world's best-known fashion
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photographers. let's meet him. ♪ >> a portrait of britain. >> hold that. >> shot by rankin, one of the country's most celebrated photographers. >> i wanted to have a recording of what it was like. it was amazing to be photographed by him. >> certainly a nicer image that any i have had taken of my before. >> it is much easier than i expected it to be. i'm usually shy in front of the camera. >> that is good. i like the idea of democratizing everybody with photographs at one level so that you can put a famous
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person next to a not-so-famous person, and there would be a democracy to that. >> the subjects of today's shoots are being displayed alongside some of the most famous faces in the world. so where did the concept come from? ♪ >> the whole project was inspired i made to the congo where i sat in the camp where people had been displaced from the fighting there. we went across and took photographs of people, and we shot against a white background because i wanted to make them the subject of the photographs, not the object. i wanted it not just to be about looking good, but i wanted to make them feel good
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about themselves. >> being photographed by him one turn you into a supermodel or a rock star. it shows that everyone has something, and there for is someone. "bbc news." ♪ >> much more for you any time you want it on thanks for being with us. >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, the newman's own foundation, the john d. and catherine t. macarthur foundation and union bank. ♪
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>> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you?
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